I meet so many people every year with great ideas for small businesses, but not enough capital to get them started. Financing your small business doesn’t have to be a scary process anymore. I am SO excited to welcome today’s guest, Co-Founder and President of Guidant Financial, Jeremy Ames. Jeremy’s entrepreneurial endeavors have given him diversebusiness experience launching and growing a number of companies in the realestate, online media, financing and personal service sectors.Jeremy understands the unique challenges of Guidant’score small business customers well. Along with his start-up experience, he is athree-time franchisee. Jeremy’s been honored as one of the Puget Sound Business Journal’s 40under 40 and as the national winner of the Young Entrepreneur of the Year awardgiven by the Small Business Administration (SBA). He’s also a former boardmember of the Seattle Chapter of The Entrepreneurs’ Organization and Togetherfor Tranfsormation. For more information about the Show and Mat and Mark, visit www.refreshyourwealth.com.