RYW 339 – Roth IRAs – A Deep Dive
Join Mark and Mat as they dive deep into the topic of Roth Iras. This is not a ‘superficial’ look or review. If you don’t know what a Roth is OR THINK you know…this Podcast will blow your mind! A ton of detailed, hard-hitting technical data with a basic intro to boot. Regular tax tips […]
RYW 332- Buying Real Estate with your Self-Directed IRA
Want to invest your IRA in Real Estate? Mark and Mat break down the basic steps and strategies to self-direct and invest in rental property or raw land. Open up a self-directed IRA account at http://www.directedira.com. This also includes your 401k, SEP, Roth or HSA. Learn more and sign up for their E-Newsletter at http://www.refreshyourwealth.com.